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1. Introduction. Hearthstone is completely overshadowed by the success of World of Warcraft and the Call of Duty franchise in the latest Activision Blizzard quarterly report. 3499. Real-Time Hearthstone Stats and Meta Reports Generated using actual hearthstone games. It is certainly not the top of the pile but shouldn’t yet be … We've updated it to reflect that Classic will unlock earlier, with the 20.0 patch. [120] The Resistance Needs YOU! Jetzt für PC, Mac, iPad sowie iOS- … The bundle features 6 Golden Classic Packs, and is being offered for $14.99 (USD). The other most common basic compositions. Als Golem erstelle und verwalte ich Deck-Guides für die aktuellen Meta Reports und bin … Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly thank our contributors. Try out some off-meta Legend rank decks that have been performing exceptionally well! Killbill3. Hearthstone: Die zwei besten Meta-Decks im Oktober 2020! Welcome to the 1 st edition of the Classic Data Reaper Report! But how will this balance change shake up everything else? Blizzard announced yesterday that Hearthstone would be getting some changes to its Classic set, and the initial excitement has given way to a familiar sense of dread - it feels like the new cards are underpowered and at odds with what the classes they represent actually need. Pirate Rogue. A Hearthstone Classic Meta Report based on data from 90,000 games. Hearthstone's new expansion Forged in the Barrens is one of the most significant changes to the core Hearthstone experience in ages. Make sure they never report their findings. Finde die besten Decks über unserem Hearthstone Meta Report! For those of you who were not around back then, it is a chance to experience the wonders of early Hearthstone: both the broken and the quaint. However, the interaction between 1-Mana Our band of mercenaries arrives in the Alliance capital city for Hearthstone’s next expansion, United in Stormwind! Take flight with your free Flightmaster Dungar card! Conquer. But no matter what the meta looks like, there will always be some decks that are simply better than others. Community Discussion. Battlefy is the simplest way to start, manage, and find esports tournaments | Create. Listen to the Data Reaper Podcast, in which we expand on subjects that are discussed in each weekly Data Reaper Report. Screenshots ; Videos ; Comments. Hearthstone Meta Report: May 2019. As classic format uses the classic cards that are also rotating to wild, you might want to think twice in disenchanting them because you will need them for this new format! 4 Karten. [120] You Must be This Height. This morning, Hearthstone announced that the Golden Classic Bundle (which is already in the in-game shop now). [120] This is Our Vault Now. Select Page. A weekly Hearthstone Meta Report based on data from 275,000 games. Every Friday you can expect a detailed report on the meta as a whole and some tips for how to maneuver through it. Please feel free to tell us in the comments what you found to be helpful and if there if there is anything you’d like to see in the next meta report! "It's hard to see what the meta-game will look like in a few weeks, but for now, Scholomance Academy stands as one of the better recent expansions." Davon abgesehen ist mir (auch in Standard) einfach viel zu viel RNG im Spiel (ständiges Karten generieren etc). (Quelle: Blizzard Entertainment) Hearthstone ist ein sehr dynamisches Spiel mit einem wechselhaften Metagame. Täuschend einfach und wahnsinnig unterhaltsam. Hearthstone is one of the biggest digital card games in the world, spanning many years at or near the top of the genre thanks to … 6. Contributing to the Data Reaper project through Hearthstone Deck Tracker or Firestone allows us to perform our analyses and to issue the weekly reports, so we want to wholeheartedly [Read More...] Alle Top Decks der Meta kurz nach Release der Erweiterung Hearthstone: Whispers of the Old Gods (WotOG) finden sich in diesem Guide. Diese Meta Reports spiegeln den Snapshot der aktuellen Meta wider und listen die Top Decks mit Ranking auf. Hearthstone: Ashes of Outland. 1960 HIGHLANDER … These lineups function by swarming the enemies with superior mobility, and burst killing members of the other team with focus fire. SPELL MAGE Updated Jul 19, 2021 . The Deathforge. Comment by ubermonkey 23.6, 36.9 - Legion Communication Device. What is Battlegrounds? This will also be a hot … Blast the Infernals! Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot: The Light Shall Bring Victory... again. Da wäre der Classic Modus ja eigentlich perfekt wenn es nur darum geht einmal Legend wegen der Belohnung zu machen. If you’re interested in learning more about developments in the Hearthstone meta, the insights we’ve gathered as well as other interesting subjects related to the analysis that is done to create the Data Reaper Report, you can listen to RidiculousHat and ZachO talk about them every week. It's worth noting that all three of these decks also ran 4-mana Leeroy. The Best Wild Decks in January – DataDecks. Whatever you do, we encourage you to have fun, … 2. 0. As always, the Report is based on an analysis of statistics from HSReplay, along with personal game experience at high ranks. Hearthstone Meta Report – July 9. Check out the latest meta report by our great Hearthstone Sensei, Meati. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft review: heart of the cards. Hearthstone: Forged In The Barrens Expansion Now Out; You Can Open Classic Packs Again Too. Data & Images Continue Reading. Btw, in this meta report (granted we're a few weeks later now) I'm playing around rank 3-5 right now on EU and I'm seeing a LOT of Giants Mage. 7. RELATED: Hearthstone: 10 best Legendary Minion Cards Hearthstone Classic Mode launched today with Patch 20.0, the Mode that brings us back to 2014–the time before expansions and stats websites! Criteria: [120] The Legend of Mechagon. Click on the name of the archetype in each tier to expand more details about the deck. Hot Classic Decks Hot Budget Decks Demon Hunter Druid Hunter Mage Paladin Priest ... Hearthstone General; General Discussion; Meta Report - Diamond > Legend; Search Search all Forums Search this Forum Search this Thread Tools Jump to Forum Meta Report - Diamond > Legend #1 Aug 8, 2020 (Scholomance Academy) Killbill3. Hearthstone. 6/25 9:06PM. All stats are calculated using Forged in the Barrens data. Posted By: coolkid2001 0 Comment meta. Hearthstone Top Decks (Tier 1) Die wirklich absolut besten Hearthstone Decks der Standard-Meta findest du in diesem Kapitel.. Es handelt sich hierbei um Tier 1 Decks. Diese zeichnen sich dadurch aus, dass sie im aktuellen Meta-Game von Hearthstone oft derart gute Synergien der Karten untereinander aufweisen, dass sie messbar und oftmals fast schon unfair besser sind, als andere Decks. On this page, you will find the best Report - Top Legend Decks Decks to play! Introduction. Welcome to another edition of the Standard Meta Report, this time covering the week between January 5th and 12th, 2020, a week punctuated by another round of balance changes. Wer auf der suche nach den besten Hearthstone Decks für den Standard Modus im Sammelkartenspiel ist, wird in diesem Guide fündig. 4. Get the latest esports news and pro-gaming tournament coverage for LoL, Dota 2 and Hearthstone. By Cass Marshall on Feb 19, 2021. 6/25 9:07PM. We're ready for Darkmoon Faire! News. Introduction | Hearthstone Meta October 9. This is a thread for discussions that don't qualify for a stand-alone post on the subreddit. Aber das reicht uns nicht aus. Report ad. Karten-Übersicht; Kartensammlung & Filter; Kartendecks & Erstellung. 5143 - Low. We are happy to present a comprehensive list of Wild Hearthstone Streamer Decks in the Darkmoon Faire. Hearthstone Meta Report. Karten-Typen 57.51%. Lista Mazzi. 67: 2678: 5 December 2019 Dr. Boom, Mad Genius is … May 6, 2021 Welcome to the 195 th edition of the Data Reaper Report! Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft. Live now! hearthstone classic meta snapshot. Und hier kommen … Hearthstone’s new expansion is about World of Warcraft’s beloved Barrens. [120] Prospectus Bay. 3. Technical Support. 国やカテゴリで最も人気のあるYouTubeチャンネルを見つけます。 すべてのYouTubeチャンネルのYouTube統計と分析レポートを表示します。 The Masters Qualifiers Meta has changed up since the last time we took a look at it. For Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Control Lock overrated, while the meta is rather balanced" - Page 25. #3860. Hierfür sammeln die Meinungen namhafter Pro-Gamer und Teams und erstellen eine übersichtliche Liste mit Links zu Deck-Guides. (Many of them went on to found the indie studio, Second Dinner.) Hearthstone Top Decks (Tier 1) Die wirklich absolut besten Hearthstone Decks der Standard-Meta findest du in diesem Kapitel.. Es handelt sich hierbei um Tier 1 Decks. Blizzard is making some dramatic changes to Hearthstone ahead of the release of the game's next expansion, including the censorship of several cards for both names and artwork that are either too violent or sexually-charged for the game's apparently new policies. This pages provides a list of all Classic cards in Hearthstone. Meta Tier List Standard. Hearthstone Classic rewinds time to June 2014, when the card game was much simpler and closing a match often ended with Leeroy Jenkins smashing into our opponent's faces. The deck's mix of board presence and direct damage are both its strength and its weakness, allowing for almost unbeatable draws and ones that are very difficult to win. Kroghan's Report. Taking wins off upper-tier decks requires an intimate understanding of the role of every card in the deck. Tier 5: Fun decks that should only be used if you play Hearthstone for the joy of the gameplay, rather than the joy of winning. NEXT UPDATE The next Hearthstone Standard Meta Snapshot will be published on or before June 15, 2021. #10197. Standard Meta Report #18 - Top Hearthstone Decks January 5, 2020 - January 12, 2020. Nevertheless, it still can be found with a healthy winrate in the high legend bracket of the HSReplay data, and it does serve as a pocket pick against Miracle Rogues. COUPON (6 days ago) Hearthstone’s next expansion includes 135 new cards, with Questlines, mounts, a new keyword, and more! For information on the various card sets, see Card set. Comment by 16137 True location is 23, 36. HearthstoneCraft. He is a small, round man in garish clothes, with a big floppy top hat and a ludicrous felt cravat. Pirate Rogue is the most popular and powerful deck, making up ~20% of ladder games.

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