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Definitivno, u prenapučenoj klasi kompaktnih crossovera gdje baÅ¡ svaki proizvođač ima svog predstavnika, novi Hyundai Kona odskače izgledom. The Kona Electric boasts a bolder look than many of its rivals, is very well made and comes complete with Hyundai’s … 8.5 / 10. ... We'll eventually have a chance to test out the Kona N's highway fuel economy on our 75-mph highway fuel economy test route. In the side barrier test, the KONA scored maximum points, with good protection for all body areas. Even in the more severe side pole impact, protection of the chest was adequate and that of other parts of the body was good. In that test, the front windscreen became detached from the vehicle. Kona noastră de test avea un look avantgardist, … Hyundai ist Elon Musk mit dem Kona Electric nun zuvorgekomen. Køreklar vægt: 1.743 kg Tilladt anhængervægt: 0 kg m bremser – 0 kg uden bremser Bagagerum: 373 ltr. Hyundai Kona 1.6 CRDi test - YouTube. The Hyundai Kona (Korean: 현대 코나, romanized: Hyeondae Kona) is a five-door subcompact crossover SUV produced by the South Korean manufacturer Hyundai. Call 1800-11-4645 to book a test drive for KONA Electric Potencia, reacción, eficiencia. Our car experts choose every product we … | Seite 3 ein 360-Grad-Kamerasystem gibt es nicht. Gre za prvi električni avto na trgu, ki lahko s svojim baterijskim dosegom večini ljudi zadošča za nemoteno dnevno mobilnost. The new KONA Electric features the latest tech and connectivity features like Bluelink® Connected Car Services, which lets you control your car from your smartphone, or with your voice. Hyundai SmartSense. Hyundai Kona 1.6 GDI Hybrid Premium DCT Autotest © ADAC e.V. A free five-year subscription to Hyundai’s LIVE Services is included with the 10.25” big screen navigation system. Info. ADAC Test, Daten, Verbrauch, Ladedauer Hoher Verbrauch, aber mit Lichtblick Das sind keine guten Werte für den neuen Hyundai Tucson Hybrid, wie seine Positionierung im unteren Teil des Test-Rankings von Motor1 Italien (Vollhybrid-Kategorie) beweist. Other Apps. Seit August 2018 hat der südkoreanische Autobauer mit dem Hyundai Kona Elektro sein zweites Elektroauto im Sortiment, das mit einer Ladung bis zu 480 km zurücklegen soll. Shopping. Důkazem, že zajímavý elektromobil s velmi dlouhým dojezdem se dá pořídit už za relativně příznivou cenu. Book a test drive today - simply select your preferred model, find your nearest dealer and request a time convenient to you. Der Kia e-Niro ist ein alltagstaugliches Elektroauto und hat mit 64 kWh-Batterie rund 400 km Reichweite. Der Hyundai Ioniq Elektro ist nach seinem Facelift mit größerer Batterie und mehr Reichweite jetzt noch alltagstauglicher. Sie suchen nach einem guten Autohaus im Werra Meißner Kreis oder im Kreis Hersfeld-Rotenburg? Endnu skarpere. Hyundai Kona Electric (EV) is the battery electric version of the Kona. The sales started in Korea and Europe in 2018, with a market debut in the United States in 2019. It is available in two battery versions: 39.2 kWh and 64 kWh. On 9 July 2019, Hyundai launched Electric Lite version as Kona Electric in India. Share. Sexy faktor. Step inside, press the start button and Kona stirs to life to deliver exceptional dynamic performance. Mașina desenată în California își știe exact atuurile. It's a youthful, playful design that stirs the senses and invites closer examination of its capabilities. Das erste E-Auto der Koreaner, der Ioniq Elektro, ist ebenfalls auf dieser Liste vertreten, er … Well, believe it or not, that day could already be here.The Hyundai Kona Electric can manage up to 279 miles between plug-ins, thanks to its whopping great 64kWh battery. That’s the kind of capacity that only used to be found in astronomically expensive Teslas. Bilen er helt ny og er en af de mest, hvis ikke dén mest, designmæssigt vovede bil fra Hyundai. Južnokorejci bodo novinca pokazali kmalu, Å¡e pred koncem leta pa bo lahko vaÅ¡ za dobrih 30 tisočakov. Elektromotor mit 100 kW/136 PS. Mit diesem Wert landete der Kona im Auto-Vergleich von ADAC auf dem zweiten Platz. Das liegt vor allem an seinem günstigen Preis und hohen Alltagsreichweite. Hyundai Kona sa nehanbí zaberaÅ¥ oboma nápravami. Hyundai has satisfactorily resisted the temptation to go too avantgarde with the styling of the electric Kona, which is a good thing: subtlety is the welcome key here. Hyundai Kona er på vej til Danmark som ren elbil i løbet af 2019. Motor 1.6 Turbo de 177 CV, 27 Kgm de torque entre 1500 y 4500 RPM. Copy link. Dummy readings indicated good protection of the knees and femurs of the driver and passenger. Hyundai Kona Electric je 0poskrbela za revolucijo med električnimi vozili. Das entspricht Kosten von 7,37 Euro pro 100 Kilometer (berechnet mit dem durchschnittlichen deutschen Spritpreis laut ADAC). Kona er Hyundais svar på en konkurrent i det hastigt voksende mini SUV-marked. Den kommer dog både lidt sent på markedet i forhold til mange af konkurrenterne samtidig med, at netop design er et af de største købsargumenter i klassen; Derfor har Hyundai brug for at skille sig ud. Review, Pricing, and Specs. Hyundai Kona electric Trend 64 kWh Deluxe. Im ADAC-Test wurde der Hyundai Kona im Bereich Sicherheit mit der Test-Note 2,4 bewertet. Denne første test af Hyundai Kona blev kørt i starten af oktober 2018, hvor temperaturen var omkring 15 grader. This is well below the Chasing Cars result, and any others I've seen for the Kona. The passenger compartment of the KONA remained stable in the frontal offset test. Available on new MY21, MY22, and MY23 Kona Electric and MY21, MY22 Ioniq Electric vehicles purchased from an authorized U.S.-based (excluding Alaska) Hyundai dealer on or before December 31, 2023. Read the definitive Hyundai Kona Electric 2021 review from the expert What Car? Hyundai Kona on nelivetoisena pirteä, mutta myös janoinen uutuus. ADAC/Ralph Wagner Wallbox-Test beim ADAC: Geluden wurden E-Autos von Renault, VW, Nissan und Opel. Mit 16,3 kWh Testverbrauch eines der sparsamsten E-Autos Die serienmäßigen LED-Scheinwerfer leuchten die Fahrbahn gut aus; die Abbiege-lichtfunktion wird über separa te Leuchten umgesetzt, ein Kur-venlicht gibt es nicht. Inside, owners of Ioniq models will feel at home, and while the general fit and finish is excellent, some of plastics belie its price point. Specs. Hyundai Kona Electric je na českém trhu naprostým unikátem, který dostane konkurenci až v průběhu letoÅ¡ního roku. Täglich aktualisierter Dacia Duster Test Alle 9 Top-Modelle auf einem Blick Vergleichen Sie schnell und einfach mit rtl.de Hyundai Kona Elektro (2020): Reichweiten-Test - Rekord - SUV - Info - YouTube. Email. Her kørte vi samme rute som i efteråret med blandet kørsel i byen, på landevej og på motorvej. Selv om den ikke har plads til så meget i bagagerummet og også har beskeden benplads på bagsædet. Sneh alebo blatu pre neho nie sú problém. Fordi kulde påvirker rækkevidden, så havde vi booket bilen ind til test igen i januar 2019. 2022 Hyundai Kona Electric. I 2020 er den fortsat en komfortabel og velkørende bil, men alderen begynder at … Watch later. Are și motive să o facă. At Hyundai of Gilroy, you can drive a little and save a lot! - February 16, 2021. As a small SUV with electric drive, the Hyundai Kona Electric creates impressive ranges. team. Hyundai i30 N ima na voljo 183 kW (250 KM) in 202 kW (275 KM) moči, zato bo kona N gotovo imela vsaj 183 kW (250 KM) moči. Hyundai Kona Forum is the premier Hyundai Kona community. The EPA highway test cycle is run at an average of 77.7 km/h, and the Kona range is rated at only 415km. New 2021 Hyundai Kona EV, from Rockland Hyundai VIN KM8K33AG4MU106605 in West Nyack, NY, 10994. Skutečný věk elektromobility přichází a Hyundai Kona je toho důkazem. Wallbox-Test 2021: Keine Ladestation schafft ein "sehr gut" pixabay Die ersten alten Führerscheine müssen schon 2022 gegen den neuen, EU-weiten … Buď se do divokých motivů zamilujete, nebo naopak, a pak vás nejspíÅ¡ nepřesvědčí ani povedený zbytek vozu: prostorný a kvalitní interiér, vyvážený a sympaticky pohodlný podvozek nebo úsporný a čilý litr. 2022 Hyundai Kona N Looks Mean and Packs 286 HP. Hyundai Kona Electric (2020) rijtest Hyundai Kona Electric - Afscheid duurtest The Hyundai Kona Has A Very Impressive AWD System With One Big Issue. About the Hyundai Kona Electric. Hyundai decided to use a lithium-ion polymer battery pack for the All-New KONA Electric instead of conventional nickel-metal hybrid batteries. Pris: Denne bil 334.485,- Kona electric fås fra 274.995,-Forbrug: 154 watt/km ved blandet kørsel Rækkevidde: 449 km (WLTP) Motor: 64 kWh Ydelse: 204 hk Moment: 395 Nm Topfart: 167 km/t 0-100 km/t: 7,6 sek. Ikke nok med, at det prisvindende design er blevet endnu skarpere. The range was still over 200 miles, despite the cold. Hyundai showed that a similar level of protection would be provided to occupants of different sizes and … Auto Bild.Koeajot. The Kona debuted in June 2017 and the production version was revealed later that year. Sparsam ist er geblieben. Den nye Hyundai KONA er skabt til at gøre indtryk. 13. března 2020 Kona je SUV spadající do kategorie malých aut. S pohonom vÅ¡etkých kolies je vÅ¡ak spojený len jeden motor, ktorým je 177 koňový benzínový Å¡tvorvalec. Hyundai Kona vsadil vÅ¡e na jednu kartu – extravagantní vzhled, který bude hrát při koupi zásadní roli. An error occurred. Læs testen af Hyundai Kona, der i 2018 vandt Motors gruppetest af mini-SUV'er. Test: Hyundai Kona Electric. From front to back, Kona Series II has been extensively enhanced to meet the needs of … ADAC Test mit Daten, Bildern und Preisen. Tests on the front seats and head restraints demonstrated good protection against whiplash injuries in the event of a rear-end collision. A geometric assessment of the rear seats indicated marginal whiplash protection. An autonomous emergency braking system is available as part of an optional safety pack. Den kompakte Hyundai Kona er en rigtig god bil at køre og er et fristende alternativ på grund af sin lange rækkevidde og sin behagelige pris. It is positioned between the Venue or Bayon and the Tucson in Hyundai crossover SUV line-up. This provides lower memory sensitivity and excellent charge and discharge efficiency, along with outstanding maximum output. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Du kan nu også se frem til endnu flere tilslutningsmuligheder og avancerede sikkerhedsfunktioner. Através del Sistema Avanzado de Asistencia al Conductor (ADAS Advance Driver Asistance System) Kona es lider en su segmento con la última tecnología en seguridad activa. View Photos. Test drive Hyundai Kona. Unser Test zeigt, dass der Elektro-Kona kein Schnellschuss ist. 2018 … Automobilka Hyundai ho začala prodávat v létě 2017 a vstoupila tak do kategorie "baby SUV" (jejich kompletní přehled najdete zde), která je v Evropě čím dál populárnějÅ¡í. We offer one of the largest collection of Hyundai Kona related news, gallery and technical articles. Check specs, prices, performance and compare with similar cars. Bjørn Nyland recently had the opportunity to test the Hyundai Kona Electric (64 kWh version) in frigid winter conditions. Hyundai have sand-bagged this one, and it's ironic that Chasing Cars gave them a prize for their duplicity! 13.6.2019. Biltest: Hyundai Kona electric 64 kWh Premium - Prøvekørsel - Bilanmeldelse - test - anmeldelse - testkørsel - hvilken bil – online – bil magasin Modelul Kona 1.6 T-GDI Luxury testat avea faruri şi stopuri cu LED şi jante pe 18 inchi, însă ce ar fi desăvârşit exteriorul este o evacuare finală pe măsură, mai ales că propulsorul pe benzină dezvoltă 177 de cai-putere. VELIKI TEST: HYUNDAI KONA 1.0 T-GDI ROCKit gradski Å¡minker s istoka nameće se nastupom, opremom i poÅ¡tenom cijenom. Lydanlægget fra … 250 kilowatt-hours of DC fast charging over three years begins upon vehicle purchase. Der Wagen unterscheidet sich äußerlich und in der Länge von dem auf anderen Kontinenten weiterhin angebotenen Hyundai Sonata.Dessen Plattform wird auch für den Kia Optima und Hyundai Santa Fe verwendet. Tap to unmute. Pinterest. Test: Hyundai Kona 1,6 T-GDI – schopný crossover. Hyundai KONA Electric, a All-Electric SUV with highest electric range and technological advance features. Test SUV Hyundai Kona. Wie schlägt man Tesla? V koupi může bránit snad jen brzký příchod faceliftované verze. Cu farurile înguste, așa cum am mai văzut doar la modelele Citroen, și cu grila imensă trapezoidală, Kona arată de parcă rânjește. Nie každý mestský crossover len neÅ¡kodne cerí zuby v podobe plastov na karosérii. Kona a dat tonul în gama Hyundai… Der Hyundai i40 ist ein in der Mittelklasse angesiedeltes Pkw-Modell des südkoreanischen Automobilherstellers Hyundai Motor Company für den europäischen Markt. The ADAC test clarifies what it can do and how well it proves itself in everyday long-term testing. We're proud to be your new and used car dealership in the San Jose area. Ford Mustang Mach-E vs VW ID.4 vs Volvo XC40 Recharge vs Hyundai Kona Electric group test (2021) review Published: 14 June 2021 View all Ford Mach-E Reviews Share your favorite Hyundai Kona photos as well as engage in discussions with fellow Hyundai Kona owners on our message board. $39,000 est. Starting at. South Korean carmaker Hyundai says its all-electric Kona compact SUV has become the first electric car to undergo crash testing in Australia, earning a maximum five star ANCAP safety rating.. Prøv den hos din forhandler og mærk forskellen. Den får ifølge Hyundai to batteripakker – dels en på 39 kWh med 135 hk og en rækkevidde på 300 km, dels en med 64 kWh, 204 hk og en rækkevidde på hele 480 km. Der Fe rnlichtassistent kann nur automa- Das Heidenreich ist für Sie da - in Witzenhausen, Eschwege und Lispenhausen! In addition to a great selection of new Hyundai vehicles and used cars for sale, our dealership also provides a concierge service that allows you to have your newly purchased vehicle delivered to your door! Call (855) 256 6752 for more information. Mehr Reichweite: 311 km laut Hyundai, 270 im ADAC Test. When it comes to vehicles with alternative drives, Hyundai…. Das fragen sich anscheinend nicht nur …

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