The theater culture in Europe has been around for a really long time, it was the region that gave the world a good amount credible writers. What type of location are you collecting? Rheinfall, Schaffausen 23m. During this time it saw world premiers of such important playwrights as Max Frisch, Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Carl Zuckmayer, Georges Schehadé, Botho Strauß and Yasmina Reza. Flatev 22m. In 1926 Zürich wine wholesaler and play house director Ferdinand Rieser acquired the house and had it renovated. Di – Sa, 16 – 19 Uhr. Es bietet rund 260 Plätze und wird von der Stadt Zürich betrieben. After the rise of the Nazis in 1933, however, many important actors and directors immigrated to Switzerland from Germany and Austria. Buchupureo 7m. Theater, dramas and plays were a means of entertainment before the television sets. Master of Arts (Englisch, Geschichte, Kriminologie) Theatre 2017 – 2018 Dornrösli. Besides these there are also chanson singers and pantomimes that perform regularly. With the help of these artists, the theater achieved great success, staging many anti-fascist works, importantly the world-premiers of several plays by Bertolt Brecht. Geschichte Theater am Hechtplatz. However, the effort to establish an ambitious theater in Zürich met with little success at first, and until 1933 the theater was rarely thought of outside of Switzerland. From 2000 to 2004 the theater experienced with Christoph Marthaler as director a new artistic blooming and was chosen as theater of the year twice by Theater heute (Theater Today), the most important and widely read German theater publication. Hechtplatz 21m. The culture of plays, dramas and other acts of entertainment are showcased in this small theater that features Swiss cabaret, clowns and children's plays mainly. Zurich, Switzerland (Isvicre) 21m. What's near "Theater am Hechtplatz" show on map. Jetzt Anmelden. It served initially as a music hall or vaudeville stage. The Schauspielhaus also operates three stages in the Schiffbau in the western part of Zürich, the Schiffbau/Halle (400 seats), the Schiffbau/Box (up to 200 seats) and the Schiffbau/Matchbox (80 seats). Problem While Recovering Password, Please Try Again Later, First Name Should Not Be More Than 50 Characters, Last Name Should Not Be More Than 50 Characters, Problem Reseting Your Password, Please Try Again Later, Keyword Is Restricted, Please Try Another Keyword. Established in 1959, the Theater am Hechtplatz served for a short time as a second stage. Password Should Be 8-16 Characters Long, Alphanumeric With One Special Character, Password Should Not Be More Than 50 Characters. Zusätzlich von Oktober bis März: Mi & Sa, 11 – 14 Uhr Tages-/Abendkasse: 1 Stunde vor Vorstellungsbeginn. The large theatre has 750 seats. 2015 Ost Side Story. Please Try Again Later. Spaghetti Factory Hechtplatz 14m. When the lease ran out in 1952, the citizens of Zürich refused to purchase the house for the proposed price of 3 million Swiss francs. Märy Dominik Flaschka Theatre: Theater am Hechtplatz Gruppe: Shake Company. Established in 1959, the Theater am Hechtplatz served for a short time as a second stage.[1]. The building was constructed in 1892 as the Volkstheater am Pfauen (People's Theater on the Pfauen Square) with a Bavarian beer garden and a bowling alley. Newsletter. In 1901 the building was rented by the director of the Zürich Opera House and opened as a play house with Goethe's comedy Die Mitschuldigen (The Accomplices). Naegeli Tabakfass 21m. The Schauspielhaus Zürich (English: Zürich playhouse) is one of the most prominent and important[citation needed] theatres in the German-speaking world. History. Opernhaus Zürich Schubertiade 11m. On Theater am Hechtplatz Torelli embodied the title roles in various musicals, so in 1965 in "Bibi Balù", in 1967 in "Golden Girl", in 1968 "Pfui Martina" and in 1972 in "Viva Banana". Check Your Inbox, We’ve Sent You Instructions On How To Reset Your Password. Sorry! You Have Been Successfully Unsubscribed From The Newsletter. Valletta 24m. Since summer 2009 Schauspielhaus Zürich is headed by Barbara Frey. While we do our best to ensure the accuracy of our listings, some venues may be currently temporarily closed without notice. Spagetti Factori 21m. Sorry, Failed To Unsubscribe From The Newsletter. Please check your starting point or destination location, New Password and Confirm New Password Do Not Match, Geolocation is not supported by this browser, Keyword Should Contain At Least 3 Characters, Keyword Should Contain Only Alphanumeric Characters, Email Should Not Be More Than 100 Characters. So come and get entertained in the Theater am Hechtplatz. In 1968 she starred alongside Ruedi Walter and Margrit Rainer as Olly Moreen in Die kleine Niederdorf-Oper at the Corso Theater … Theater, dramas and plays were a means of entertainment before the television sets. Founded in 1959 as a Cabaret, it's owned and provided by the government of the city of Zürich. During this time the Schauspielhaus Zürich was the largest free stage in the German-speaking world, as stages in Germany and Austria were strictly regulated. It is also known as "Pfauenbühne" (Peacock Stage). The culture of plays, dramas and other acts of entertainment are showcased in this small theater that features Swiss cabaret, clowns and children's plays mainly. Theater am Hechtplatz Hechtplatz 7 8001 Zürich. Learn how and when to remove this template message, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Schauspielhaus_Zürich&oldid=970699736, Articles needing additional references from August 2020, All articles needing additional references, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles containing explicitly cited English-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2008, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 August 2020, at 21:43. From 1903 until 1926 the play house was run by a private cooperative. The theater culture in Europe has been around for a really long time, it was the region that gave the world a good amount credible writers. The Theater am Hechtplatz is a theatre in the German-speaking Switzerland situated at Limmatquai in Zürich. From 2000 to 2004 the theater experienced with Christoph Marthaler as director a new artistic blooming and was chosen as theater of the year twice by Theater heute (Theater Today), the most important and widely read German theater publication. What Type Of Location Are You Collecting? Vorverkauf. Das Theater am Hechtplatz wurde 1959 eröffnet und ist ein Kleintheater direkt beim Bellevue in Zürich. Please confirm status on the venue website before making any plans. 2016 Ost Side Story. Das Bühnenprogramm besteht hauptsächlich aus Komödien, Musicals, Kabarett, Chansons und Kindertheater. Then in 1938 it was leased to the Neue Schauspiel AG, a company founded by the city of Zürich in order to save the theater from its financial difficulties. After the war, the theater retained its important place in world and German-language theater. Abonnieren Sie unseren Newsletter und profitieren Sie von Aktionen und Freikarten! The house's repertoire spans the whole history of theatre literature, from the old Greek up to the first performances of contemporary plays. Note: Please seperate each email address with a comma. Le Cedre - Best Libanese Restaurant in Zurich 17m. A Problem Occurred While Sending The Email, Please Try Again Later. Upon their refusal, UBS AG, a Swiss banking group, stepped in to purchase the building and arranged a new lease arrangement with the Neue Schauspiel AG. Königin Viviane Ruedi Haas Theatre: ... Hanna Price Theatre: Scala Basel Gruppe: Happyville. If you click "Log in with Facebook" and are not an cityseeker user, you will be registered and you agree to the cityseeker, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Theater_am_Hechtplatz_-_Hechtplatz_2015-11-06_16-27-40.JPG, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0.
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