2020Nomanilisierung: The creation of a noun from any part of speech. Only our eyes are It means a structure which exhibits a wholeness in such a way, that all elements therof are inextricably linked. beyond it, and again it becomes world to him. [41] beides Since the antecedent is "Heimaten" which is plural one would expect "beide." Wir ordnens wieder und zerfallen selbst. Uns überfüllts. ." sind: Hyperbaton. Translations include: “With all its eyes the creature-world beholds / the open. De ontstaansgeschiedenis is bijzonder. Outside of the womb it is windy, since we have lost the comforting concealment thereof. ", [20] wird: The second definition of "werden" in Sprach-Brockhaus is "zu etwas, es, wandle mich dazu: . [45] eins: Antecedent for the following relative clause. What is out there, we know only from the animal's [37] k l e i n e n: Third Sperrdruck and first of three instances thereof in this sentence alone to especially accentuate the strangeness of a gnat which is born into the world so that the world is its womb. How he upon the Lovers, were not the other there, who Normal word order would be "das uns in anderer Richtung entgegenzieht.". wie umgekehrt und ganz um sie gestellt Nest = Image of dead body on cover of Sarcophagus. The eighth Elegy, in fact, carries Rilke’s most extended meditation on what consciousness is, both as an internal cognitive capacity and as something that takes place in time and space. as turned around and placed like traps around it, English, not having this case differential, necessitates the repetition of the word "death.". And see the half assurance of the bird, [10] Nirgends ohne Nicht: Nominalisierung. : Synaloepha on "überfüllts," "orndens" and "ordnens" again. no matter what we do, are in that posture [23] von uns verdunkelt: Epanorthosis since the "Frei'n" is further explained. Normal would be "Denn die Erinnerung, die uns oft überwältigt, haftet auch ihm immer an." A very difficult to understand phrase. Normal word order would be "der beinah beides aus seinem Ursprung weiß." Aan Rilke besteedde ik nimmer aandacht: vooroordeel belette dat. Note also the syncope in "stilln" or "Stilln.". The only previous neuter nouns are "das Reine, Unüberwachte" a few phrases back. [42] weiß: Hyperbaton. . wir nur auf ihr die Spiegelung des Frei′n. [6] Frei von Tod: Scesis onamaton referring back to the animal. [7] Ihn: While the idea of being free of death refers back to the word animal in the previous phrase, the "ihn," as the masculine singular accusative form refers back to "der Tod." surrounding its free exit. Since the sentence began with "Wäre Bewußtheit unsrer Art in dem sicheren Tier" which is the "if" clause of a conditional sentence, this clause is the resolution. Nach der ersten Heimat Yet for it, its being is Nomanilisierung: The creation of a noun from any part of speech. In modern editions replaced with italics. unendlich zärtlich. Frei von Tod. Synaloepha: Omission of a vowel to contract two words into one such as "don't," "it's." 8. [50] sind: Hyperbaton. Als Kind, verliert sich eins im stilln an dies und wird, Denn nah am Tod sieht man den Tod nicht mehr. Denn nah am Tod sieht man den Tod nicht mehr [44] Uns überfüllts. We never have, not for a single day, Es zerfällt. Epanorthosis: the rephrasing of an immediately preceding word or statement for the purpose of intensification, emphasis, or justification. als Fallen, rings um ihren freien Ausgang. And how overwhelmed is one, who must fly [46] stammt von einem Schooß Hyperbaton. [11] das man atmet und unendlich w e i ß und nicht begehrt: Polysyndeton. [11] Als Kind and nothing more than that and always opposite. as if already that, after which one is striving, turned toward everything and never outward! As by mistake it has been disclosed to them .". Important is that the two "Heimaten" are profoundly differentiated: the one is the womb and the other is the outer world. [2] wissens: Hyperbaton caused by the synaloepha without an apostrophe. All such constructions are in the neuter gender. . The word "Gestalt" is basically untranslatable, as seen by the psychological school of thought called "Gestalt theory." Er betont dann die kollektive Einheit nachdrücklich: 'Hut und Regenschirm, beides hatte er im Abteil liegenlassen.'" der Fledermaus durchs Porzellan des Abends. The faces of the beasts show what truly IS to us: we who up-end the infant and force its sight to fix upon things and shapes, not the Hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect. Und wir: Zuschauer, immer, überall, Rilke seems to see being separated from the womb as an adrogenous state of being, not in a sexual sense, but rather being neither here nor there in an existential sense. der beinah beides weiß aus seinem Ursprung, Und wie bestürzt ist eins, das fliegen muß, und stammt aus einem Schooß. [44] er eine Seele der Etrusker, aus einem Toten, den ein Raum empfing, doch mit der ruhenden Figur als Deckel: One of the most difficult images of the Elegien. Apocope: The loss of one or more sounds from the end of a word. . Epanorthosis: The rephrasing of an immediately preceding word or statement for the purpose of intensification, emphasis, or justification. Normal order would be "ein stummes Tier." unendingly tender. The present sentence could be translated with such a subjunctive "we turn him around and insist that he look backwards at figuration. The closest words in English are "configuration" or "figuration.". [30] riß: apocope of the Konjunktiv II form "risse." . [31] herum: Hyperbaton. Alliteration: The repetition of the sound of an initial consonant or consonant cluster in stressed syllables close enough to each other for the ear to be affected. After the first home . and stares outward, perhaps with a great animal gaze. aus einem Toten, den ein Raum empfing, of the bat through the porcelain of the evening. Normal would be "wendet, anhält und weilt." The Duineser Elegien by Rainer Maria Rilke are considered among the greatest poetic achievements in any language of the Twentieth Century. Hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect. Es zerfällt. The structure of this sentence allows the subject to be placed last for emphasis, as in Elegie5. one loses oneself in the stillness to this and becomes An der Entstehung der Duineser Elegien ist bemerkenswert, „daß ein schmales lyrisches Werk, ein Zyklus von zehn Elegien, über einen Zeitraum von eineinhalb Jahrzehnten hinweg so ausschließlich das Dasein seines Autors bestimmt, daß biographisch und literarisch kaum anderes daneben Eigengewicht zu erlangen vermochte.“ Nahezu alles, was Rilke in der Zeit nach dem Malte beeinflusste, sollte später in die Arbeit an den Duineser Elegien Eingang finden. das Offene. gerüttelt. For it also harbors constantly what Rilke seems to have added an extra "o" for emphasis. He would like a non-localized, pure space with no negativeness [a legitimate English word] whatsoever. And where we see future, there it sees everything . Antlitz [3] allein; denn schon das frühe Kind Iambic: In Latin poetry, an iamb was a metrical unit, a foot, consisting of a short syllable followed by a long. mit seinem Wandel. Here everything is distance mit seinem Wandel. ", [4] sehe: Konjunktiv I form of "sehen" used as a "Wunsch- und Begehrungsatz" which according to Duden is: "Unter dem Wunsch- und Begehrungssatz sind solche Sätze zu verstehen, die ein Geschehen oder Sein nennen, das [noch] nicht verwirklicht ist, dessen Verwirklichung jedoch gewünscht, gewollt, gefordert, erstrebt wird. " Note the apocope on wär. With all its eyes the creature sees as if it were an Etruscan soul, Wir ordnens. which always r e m a i n s in the womb, which bore it outward; Used to de-emphasize the subject and continue the prevailaing iambic meter. von einem, welcher fortgeht? [39] Schooße Epenthesis. Continuing with another neologism it could be translated as "no-ness." Um diese Gedichteseite korrekt darstellen zu können, wird JavaScript benötigt. Frei von Tod. Es zerfällt. The nest could be seen as a second half womb surrounding the bird after it had hatched from the egg, the egg having come from the bird's mother's body. In modern editions replaced with italics. The bird is thereby encased in its second half womb (the nest) before the second jump into the world. unendlich, ungefaßt und ohne Blick A comparison is being made between the bird hatching from its egg into the womb-like nest and the soul of the Etruscan leaving its sarcaphogas which has an image of the dead person on its cover. Mother's body = dead body. We put it in order. [47] Wie vor sich selbst erschreckt, durchzuckts die Luft, wie wenn ein Sprung durch eine Tasse geht. Hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect. Gewicht und Sorge einer großen Schwermut. und starrt hinaus, vielleicht mit großem Tierblick. [15] wäre: "wenn der andre nicht wäre . auf seinen Zustand, rein, so wie sein Ausblick. Hyperbaton: A figure of speech, such as anastrophe or hysteron proteron, using deviation from normal or logical word order to produce an effect. Immer ist es Welt [46] Wie vor sich selbst That is what fate means: to be opposite one another Assonance: The repetition of identical or similar vowel sounds, especially in stressed syllables. In modern editions replaced with italics. kommt keiner fort, und wieder wird ihm Welt. Problematic is that precisely this concept is the antecedent of "an dies" The later editions avoid the conundrum by capitalizing "Stilln," thereby making the meaning [and the translation] easier as "one loses oneself in the stillness to this" In the "Turn und Taxis Handschrift" the "S" of "Stilln" is definitely capitalized. For near to death, one no longer sees death Wie aus Versehn ist ihnen aufgetan [18] Or that an animal, In addition to these single-author translations, I have consulted the various translations of the individual Elegies that appear in Rilke “Duino Elegies”: Cambridge Readings , edited by Roger Paulin and Peter Hutchinson (London: Duckworth, 1996). Syncope: The shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word. : Synaloepha for "durchzuckt es." hat seinen Untergang stets hinter sich [13] jener: Normally this word [which is rarely used in conversation] would mean "the former" used along with "dieser" which means "the latter." Nomanilisierung: The creation of a noun from any part of speech. distorts the visibility, are near to it and are astonished. frightened, it zigzags through the air, as when a crack The "es" has been left out, because the sentence begins with "wieder.". When the soul leaves its dead body, it also must pass through another similar container, i.e. die immer b l e i b t [38] im Schooße, [39] der sie austrug; Duino Elegies: The Tenth Elegy poem by Rainer Maria Rilke. Synaloepha: Omission of a vowel to contract two words into one such as "don't," "it's." . into eternity, just as the fountains go. [27] The word "schismatic" seems more expressive of the "gespaltenes Wesen" than the more limited word "hermaphroditical." [32] geheilt: Hyperbaton. Metaphor: A figure of speech in which a word or phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is used to designate another, thus making an implicit comparison. Und sieh die halbe Sicherheit des Vogels, noch einmal zeigt, sich wendet, anhält, weilt -. Also note the pleanostic"e"Epenthesis: The insertion of a sound in the middle of a word, as in Middle English "thunder" from Old English "thunor." even when it has its nuptials: for womb is everything. Nur unsere Augen sind wie umgekehrt und ganz um sie gestellt als Fallen, rings um ihren freien Ausgang.
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