2020First appearance Title(s) As Grandmama and Teague learned of Jack's recent encounters with the other Pirate Lords, Grandmama began discussing her own days as a former member of the Brethren Court to Jack's impressed crew. With her help, Teague, Jack, and the Black Pearl crew were able to subdue Jocard's men and explain that they were not, as Jocard had thought, hosting King Samuel. Others: Hector Barbossa – Jack Sparrow – EsmeraldaPrison Dog, Fourth Court Jack Sparrow was born to Edward Teague and an unknown woman on a pirate ship caught in the middle of a typhoon. At Diego de Leon's inquiry she also disclosed her true personal feelings towards Bartholomew ("...everything a pirate should be...fierce, quick to anger, violent, conniving, the whole package") and Morgan ("a pretty useless pirate"). After Jocard, Barbossa, Jean, Diego, and Carolina were captured in an ambush by Samuel's men, Grandmama quickly came to the rescue, setting off the same elaborate decoy-ship rouse Jack had already tricked Samuel and his men with so she could sneak into the fort herself. Born At Teague's request, Grandmama and their guests all sat down to supper together in the manor's exuberently luxorious dining hall. Statistics Il teschio sembra stia osservando un passero rosso, lo stesso che Jack aveva tatuato sul braccio destro. Grandmama was the mother of Captain Edward Teague, grandmother of Jack Sparrow, and former Pirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean. Pirate LordsFirst Pirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean Jack had previously asked his father about his mother before he learned of her fate and kept the shrunken head with him at all times by tying it up on his belt. Pirate LordsHenry Morgan – Bartholomew – Grandmama, Third Court Capitan Jack Sparrow (Oceano Indiano, 1690 -?) During the time of the Shadow Lord's threat, Grandmama was the only Pirate Lord from the Second Brethren Court still alive. As a plan was formulated between Jack, Carolina, and Jocard to break into Samuel's fortress, Grandmama decided she wanted to be part of the action. Weapon(s) owned She was an exceptionally quick-witted and intuitive individual, as seen in her ability to quickly deduce that Jack was seeking out Pirate Lords, pick up on the complicated feelings between Carolina and Diego, figure out that Sarah was untrustworthy, and understand the potential meri… Pirate LordsSao Feng's fatherOthers: Tartaglia, Court of inquiry In her youth, Grandmama was an infamous pirate captain, garnering enough respect to eventually be named Lord of the Atlantic Ocean. The only times she appeared truly happy were when she was flirting or given the chance to participate in a "nice, gory battle'. Nel 1750 Jack possedeva ancora la testa mummificata di sua madre durante la sua ricerca della Fonte della Giovinezza. He was named Jack after his uncle and Teague's brother, Jack. She was an exceptionally quick-witted and intuitive individual, as seen in her ability to quickly deduce that Jack was seeking out Pirate Lords, pick up on the complicated feelings between Carolina and Diego, figure out that Sarah was untrustworthy, and understand the potential merit to Jean's prophecies. This grisly effigy was in the possession of her husband, Teague, who passed it on to his son, Jack Sparrow, shortly after the Fourth Brethren Court. Pirate LordsAmmand – Sumbhajee Angria – Hector Barbossa – Chevalle – ChingSao Feng – Jocard – Jack Sparrow – Elizabeth Swann – Eduardo Villanueva The Sparrow family had a tendency to break out into brawls with each other whenever they gathered, with Grandmama herself often having to fend off attacks from "Quick Draw" McFleming with the daggers she kept in her girtle. Jack Sparrow, o per meglio dire Capitan Jack Sparrow, è senza dubbio il pirata più amato della saga “Pirati dei Caraibi” e probabilmente di tutto il mondo piratesco.Dietro la sua simpatia contagiosa, il suo senso di grandezza e il bisogno di riconoscimento, potrebbe celarsi un Disturbo Narcisistico di personalità; vediamo allora insieme di analizzare questo personaggio. She and her grandson appeared engaged in a perpetual competition over which of the two was actually the greatest pirate in the family. He had spent most of his youth unsure whether Edward Teague was really his parent, frequently referring to him as \"The-Man-Who-Might-Be-Father\". Day of the Shadow. Non si sa quasi nulla sul passato di questa donna. Affiliation Le sue uniche apparizioni nei film sono come una testa mummificata. Shortly after Jack Sparrow and his crew arrived in Libertalia, they encountered Teague, who insisted on bringing them back to the family manor where Grandmama awaited them. Jack Sparrow. Grandmama was a very old pirate with sharp black eyes, a spiderweb of wrinkles across her face, and a strong, husky voice. Pirate KingsElizabeth Swann Pirati dei Caraibi Wiki è una comunità di FANDOM a proposito di Film. Grandmama greeted her grandson and the majority of his crew quite frostily, with the notable exception being Hector Barbossa, whom she quickly began flirting with. Please remove this message when finished. Sparrow familyBrethren Court Sparrow, infatti, in inglese significa proprio "passero". Aides: Askay – Pusasn Il Jolly Roger di Jack Sparrow era molto simile a quello di Henry Avery: un teschio di profilo con le due tibie incrociate. Battles Ethnic group Grandmama Era un leggendario pirata dei sette mari e un'irriverente canaglia dei Caraibi. Together, they managed to fend off the men surrounding the throne and capture the traitor Sarah. After commenting that she knew Sarah "looked too much like that hag Teresa", Grandmama fearlessly launched herself at a crowd of guards, and Barbossa chased after her. Edward Teague (son) Jack Sparrow (grandson)Jack Sparrow's mother (daughter-in-law)Valerie (grand-niece)"Ace" Brannigan (relative)"Quick Draw" McFleming (relative)Patriarch (relative)Mabeltrude (cousin) By Jack's later life, his hair is adorned with all manner of beads and trinkets gathered from his travels and adventures all over the world, each one having a story that reminded him of a previous adventure. She was known for wearing a set of false teeth, two of which were gold and one of which had a small ruby set in (which often gave Jack nightmares as a child). Non si sa quasi nulla sul passato di questa donna. She also had the distinction of being the youngest Pirate Lord ever until her grandson joined as Lord of the Caribbean. Questa donna era la madre di Jack Sparrow e presumibilmente la moglie del capitano pirata Edward Teague. Grandmama's suspicions of Sarah were ultimately warranted, as it turned out she was in fact Samuel's half-sister and was leading her fiancé and the rest of the pirates into a trap at the fortress. Grey Grandmama was a generally cantankerous woman, especially when it came to her grandson, who often annoyed her. Porta i tuoi fandom preferiti con te e non perdere mai un colpo. Even when lounging around her manor, she was typically seen sporting a bright red pirate bandanna over her thick gray curls. Her incessant torturing of Jack was a major part of the reason why he decided to run away from their home in Shipwreck Cove when Grandmama was eighty-two. She'd routinely give Jack thrashings so severe she nearly beat him to death three times, and had him locked up in the brig when her cousin Mabeltrude the Violent Visionary prophecied that he'd set her ship on fire when he was eight. Later, when Gentleman Jocard led a raid on Teague's manor, Grandmama was able to make skilled use of her daggers against the intruders even in the thick darkness. Si sa che lei partorì Jack durante un tifone. Aides: Davy Jones When Jack, Jocard, and their crews met up at the dock to initiate their surprise attack, Grandmama showed up and despite Jack's objections, insisted on joining their quest, asserting that they "need a real pirate on this mission". Pirate LordsChing – Boris Palachnik – Rafael – Edward Teague – Eduardo Villanueva Aides: Davy Jones, Second Court Eye color She also enjoyed using her gleaming wooden cane to beat her grandson with whenever she felt he went out of line. I contenuti della comunità sono disponibili sotto la licenza. At some point she and her son developed a friendship with double-dealing navy officer Joshamee Gibbs, who was present at her seventy-fourth birthday party. Grandmama continued to remain wary of Sarah as she guided their party to King Samuel's fortress. è il protagonista principale della saga di Pirati dei Caraibi. Keeper of the Code: Edward TeagueOthers: Prison Dog. CaptainPirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean (formerly) Once her grandson managed to take down King Samuel and acquire his vial of Shadow Gold, Grandmama and the rest of the party sailed back to Libertalia, where her son awaited them. This article has an excess of redlinks in it.Attention is requested to create new articles from these links. Behind the scenes After a furious fight that led to both women rolling into the waters below, Diego and Carolina eventually managed to haul Grandmama off the other woman long enough for Marcus, Jocard's first mate, to help Sarah back onto the dock. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Pirati dei Caraibi - Jack Sparrow (serie), Pirati dei Caraibi: La leggenda di Jack Sparrow, Pirati dei Caraibi: Ai Confini del Mondo (videogioco), Pirati dei Caraibi Magazine (miniserie a fumetti), Compagnia Britannica delle Indie Orientali, https://piratideicaraibi.fandom.com/it/wiki/Madre_di_Jack_Sparrow?oldid=20837. She was present during the second meeting of the Brethren Court, where Morgan and Bartholomew first set down the Pirate Code. Pirate KingsFirst Pirate King At some point, Grandmama gave birth to a son and became matriarch and head of the Sparrow family until her child, Teague, grew up and took over responsibility for running the clan. When Jocard's Portuguese fiancé, Sarah, arrived at the dock to guide them through the harsh Libertalian jungles, Grandmama suddenly threw off her coat, let out a blood-curdling scream, and tackled Sarah to the ground. The only times she appeared truly happy were when she was flirting or given the chance to participate in a "nice, gory battle'. As Teague wished his son goodbye before his final departure from the pirate utopia, Grandmama added a not-so-subtle "good riddance" before beginning to stomp away, indicating that her adventure with Jack did little to change her ultimate esteem of him. Da quel momento, allora, Jack si portò la testa di sua madre in tutte le sue avventure tenendosela legata alla cintura. First Court After skewering several pirates on her way up to the chamber where her mates were being held, Grandmama quickly freed them all from their bonds with a dagger before leading the charge into the throne room. Wild Waters Family Whenever embarking on an important pirate mission, she'd break out her old-fashioned Pirate Lord getup (which Jack observed was the strangest looking pirate outfit he'd ever seen) which included a long white shirt bursting with lacy frills. Grandmama insisted that Sarah was actually Teresa, the mother of King Samuel, whom she remembered meeting right after Teresa had given birth to her son, but Sarah waved off Grandmama as senile. 1630s Female Nell'agosto del 1729, poco dopo il quarto consiglio della Fratellanza Jack Sparrow ha una conversazione con suo padre, il capitano Teague alla fine della quale Jack chiede a Teague della madre e Teague mostra a Jack la testa della mamma. Jack grew up in a tumultuous household full of outlaws at Shipwreck Cove. Despite Jack's resentment of him, he respected the fact that Teague was always there for him when he … The blank edges of the map must be filled in. Jack Sparrow - As a child, he lived on Shipwreck Island but he eventually ran away from home to escape his hectic household and the torturings of his "Grandmama". Keeper of the Code: Edward Teague The distinctive look Jack Sparrow gave to himself is accentuated by long, dark brown to black hair and a goatee beard, though Jack sometimes wears a faded black tricorn hat. Biographical information The head hung from Jack's belt during the latter port… Latest appearance DaggersCane Gender English As Grandmama attempted to attack her once more, Sarah conceded that her family was distantly related to the mother of King Samuel but that she died long ago (though even this was an exaggeration of the actual truth). After her death, her head was cut off and shrunk. Jack wears long sea boots and long, hard-wearing linen trouser… When Teague had a son of his own, Jack, Grandmama took an influential role in the discipline of her grandchild, whom she dealt with rather harshly (though Teague insisted this was how she demonstrated her caring for Jack). Not much of this woman's life is known, only that she gave birth to her son Jack on a ship during a typhoon. Hair color Black Despite her perpetual cruelty towards Jack, it appeared she had a genuine love for her grandson deep down, as she nearly died of a broken heart upon learning he had run away. A Pirate's Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas, Pirates of the Caribbean Official Website, Official Pirates of the Caribbean Facebook, LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game Wiki, Legends of the Brethren Court: Wild Waters, Legends of the Brethren Court: Day of the Shadow, https://pirates.fandom.com/wiki/Grandmama?oldid=182371. Her weapons of choice were the many daggers she kept hidden away in her girdle, although she was prone to throwing anything within reach when attacked or annoyed. Grandmama was a generally cantankerous woman, especially when it came to her grandson, who often annoyed her. Battle in Teague's mansionAttack on King Samuel's fortressDay of the Shadow
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