2020Several terms may seem quite foreign to someone who doesn't know him or the German rap scene, so I will include some helpful definitions below: Das' wie das Gesetz: Mich interessiert das Recht wenig,". As a pimp slap is a backhand slap, it would make sense that he'd have make up on the back of his hand after slapping his sluts. "http":"https";t.getElementById(r)||(n=t.createElement(e),n.id=r,n.src=i+"://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js",s.parentNode.insertBefore(n,s))}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Nevertheless I will try to. The Dead South Recommended for you Please enable Cookies and reload the page. This is a double meaning and references the Tour de France and the doper Lance Armstrong. We have evidence, there was a tracking device on your Benz, Witness testimonies walk on bands like rope dancers!". Hoodtales IV Songtext von Kollegah mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf Songtexte.com Hoodtales IV Lyrics . And say: "Pig, this interests me quite faintly. Like make up from sluts, who I give pimp slaps. Race past an Audi A1 as the blue light appears. The Dead South - In Hell I'll Be In Good Company [Official Music Video] - Duration: 4:10. I light up a fag, blow the smoke in his face. Then I've had enough and set the doberman on him. The bands are in reference to both band on audio cassettes and to tightropes. Kokshändlerbusiness Chrizmatic 1:26 5. "Mr. Kollegah, we know you from the mugshots. Once again, clever use of double meaning. Liedtext vom Lied Hoodtales IV Musiker Kollegah | Lyrics-on. Follow @genius on Twitter for updates Kollegah's lyrics are too complex, eloquent and ingeniously constructed to be translated properly and still have the same meaning and effect that they do in the original German form. //]]>. 'The green ones' are the German police, as they typically wear green uniforms and they 'don't find it so clean', which in German means they disapprove of it. It is track #8 from the album Zuhältertape, Volume 4 that was released in 2015. "fag": Slang for cigarette, I only include this to make apparent that neither I nor Kollegah is homophobic. The Watson Brothers - সরে দাড়ায়ে, শেষ বারের মত (Shore Daraye, Shesh Barer Moto), Vind i mit hår [Wind in my Hair (Film Version)]. Because bribes rate themselves like eBay auctioneers. Decke however, means both blanket and ceiling. And I bet I'll give out weed again tomorrow. [CDATA[ When we say that things 'rate themselves' it means they're worth it. Hoodtales IV Lyrics [Verse 1] Genug vom Business am Block Ich such' Entspannung in mei'm Innenstadt-Loft und nippe am Scotch Krieg' 'ne Erotik-Massage im Wohnzimmer, grade … To show you how the balance of power is in this country. He says he's not doing well, has some serious problems. You're welcome, until my next translation. Kollegah Fanpage Songtexte News Kollegah. I seek relaxation in my downtown loft and sip on the scotch. Hoodtales IV Songtext Kollegah von Zuhältertape, Vol. We're going to send you on your way in just a sec. Den Songtext zu Hoodtales IV von Kollegah sowie Lyrics, Video & Übersetzung findest du hier kostenlos. Looks like the site is more popular than we thought! The source lyrics layout has been updated. 4. twitter; google; facebook; Hoodtales IV Songtext. I sit in the Benz instead of the cop car. They give hand signals, want to instruct me. I should drive slowly to my right to the curb. But that with me cash is sitting snugly like his tooth prosthesis, I say: "Kid, you're like DiCaprio in Inception – you're living in dream worlds!". In German it works, and the two lines sound the same but have different meanings. Let him get pulled from my front door by the arm. "Witness testimonies walk on bands like rope dancers!". We'll put you in our passenger compartment in a minute. They're like my dogs, when I 'say aus', they sit! Category Music; Song Hoodtales I; Artist Kollegah; Licensed to YouTube by SME, UMG, Selfmade_Records (on behalf of Selfmade Records); BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, BMI - … And we've apparently been homies for years, since early coke dealer days. I step over him, not without giving the dog a treat first. 'Aussagen' and 'Aus sagen' sound the same, but one means to give a testimony and one to literally say the word 'Aus', which is commonly used as a command for dogs to sit. Ich sag', „Kid, du bist wie DiCaprio in Inception – du lebst in Traumwelten.“ Dann hab' ich genug und hetz' den Dobermann auf ihn Lass' ihn am Oberarm … Both 'laufen' on bands. They're all under the same blanket like smoke detectors. Yeah! Smoke detectors are all under the same ceiling. Like make up from sluts, who I give pimp slaps,". It's like the law, it interests me quiet faintly". Yeah! In German we don't say we have a plan up our sleeve, but instead that we have it in the back of our hand. "say aus": This will be explained with the other wordplay below. They obviously wouldn't find nuclear energy very clean. Although the green ones don't find it so clean, like nuclear energy. Who else rates each other? Trade the weed bag for an envelope with cash bills. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly. Even the police chief can be bribed with cash. Ich sag': "Kid, du bist wie DiCaprio in Inception du lebst in Traumwelten!" Because I always have a plan B up my sleeve. This process is automatic. However, 'the green ones' is also in reference to the Green Party of Germany, who are commonly called the green ones. "hand money": A literal translation of 'Handgeld', which is a slang term for bribes. "Autobahn": The famous country-wide German highway. Hoodtales IV Lyrics: Yeah, genug vom Business am Block / Ich such' Entspannung in mei'm Innenstadtloft und nippe am Scotch / Krieg' 'ne Erotikmassage im Wohnzimmer, grade / Als mir das Klingeln di Hoodtape Volume 1 ist eine Veröffentlichung des Rappers Kollegah, 4. In addition, Kollegah employs very clever and witty double entendre and wordplay, which is once again virtually impossible to translate properly and/or explain. In German, 'laufen' means both to walk and for something like music to play continuously. "bagatelle": A thing regarded as too unimportant or easy to be worth much consideration. "Bonzen-car": In German, a 'Bonze' is someone with an insane amount of money who likes to display their wealth. "bribes rate themselves like eBay auctioneers,". And you guys see how I drive on despite incriminating statements. Kollegah - Hoodtales II lyrics. I let him speak, and as the no-good speaks. Paroles de la chanson Hoodtales II par Kollegah officiel. "the green ones don't find it so clean, like nuclear energy,". driving full throttle, make my way to Holland, looking at the summer day. One of the best wordplays on the track. Bis eines der Tischbeine wie'n Zahnstocher wegbricht, Into the shiny Mercedes, the sun rays lie down. Follow @genius But show them, seemingly compliant, my driving papers. "The ringing ruins my tour like doping scandals,". When something 'ruins your tour' in German, it means it ruins whatever you're currently doing. "They're all under the same blanket like smoke detectors,". The 'Boss' is known for giving sluts pimp slaps (not in reality, I mean his image). Arrived, I turn into a settlement at a harbour. Hoodtales IV Lyrics "Hoodtales IV" is a song by Kollegah. eBay auctioneers. The duration of this song is 03:35. Kollegah hoodtape 4. on the Bonzen-car with the comfortable leather seat. Now you're drug lord, gangster and criminal. "this interests me quite faintly, Then the drug hound comes, and makes a big find. Enjoy more than 8 million lyrics. The ringing can be seen as double meaning for doorbell and bicycle bell. !function(t,e,r){var n,s=t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],i=/^http:/.test(t.location)? It's like the law, it interests me quiet faintly,", "mich interessiert das recht wenig, "They're like my dogs, when I 'say aus', they sit!". The judges can't fuck me, I bribe them with hand money. [Verse 1] Genug vom Business am Block, A route which I've driven a thousand times on my tours. The cops pull their cuffs out from their belts. "a plan B up my sleeve, Genug vom Business am Block Ich such' Entspannung in mei'm Innenstadt-Loft und nippe am Scotch Krieg' 'ne Erotik-Massage im Wohnzimmer, grade I seek relaxation in my downtown loft and sip on the scotch, Receive an erotic massage, just as, The ringing ruins my tour like doping scandals, Some guy stands there, say something about "Kick-ass car!" A few thousand in cash, I'm out of danger. Because selling weed is no bagatelle offense for us. Mittwochabend diese Hoodbitch rennt mir nach fordert Sex, Ich gebs ihr hardcore und dreckig auf Barhockern und Ecktisch. //
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