corona news magdeburg

Related Pages. In order to make it possible to return to events on the university premises, the university is taking numerous measures for prevention. Where the available room is insufficient, the hybrid model (as in the case of lectures) can also be used. Media/News Company. You can reach us via e-mail and phone, but we ask for your understanding that there may be restrictions in the operation of the university. Then please send an e-mail to November 2020 | 17:23 Uhr . Reservation is requiredReservations (room request, date and time - from to) are made centrally at in Stendal and in Magdeburg with at least one working day's advance notice. Interest. Dieser News-Ticker ist … Corona-Gipfel: Lockdown bis Mitte Januar? The hotline takes a ticket with the request and contact details. Nelson Park. In case of slight symptoms of illness and justified suspicion, clarification should be made by their infectiological outpatient department. Extensions of tolerations/permits will be handed out in your accommodation or also sent by post. In order to contain the spread of the coronavirus, the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal was switched to "regular operations under special conditions". Kultur hat in Sachsen-Anhalt trotz Corona einen guten Stand. 24. Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg unterstützt Studie: Helmholtz-Zentrum für Infektionsforschung ... Sachsen-Anhalt verlängert Teil-Lockdown bis kurz vor Weihnachten. All other matters relating to immigration law will continue to be dealt with only in writing or by telephone. only take place in a digital format. Admittedly this will be under unusual conditions, as we will not see a direct return to the way things were before the coronavirus.However, despite the coronavirus, we would like - to the extent possible - to live up to our reputation as a university offering face-to-face teaching. However, your applications will still be processed. For matters that cannot be postponed and which require a visit to the Residents Registration Office, citizens can ask for an appointment by telephone or e-mail. Existing free space on the campus can be used by students for possible Zoom lectures.All other classes, in other words tutorials, seminars and laboratory practicals, will take place face-to-face in compliance with the health and safety requirements. This regulation currently affects all courses of study which are exclusively offered by the University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal. These measures are for your and our health. We will utilise all facilities on both campuses and try out flexible forms of organisation (for example block weeks, A/B groups etc.). In any case, the person requesting an appointment will receive feedback as to whether an appointment is necessary or not. Please understand it as an offer so that those of you who wish to complete your studies quickly can do so. I have further questions. Please understand that we are not able to answer every question today, for example if you belong to a risk group or have family commitments. You can get an individual initial consultation and further information in German and English. Simply apply here via our online applicant portal.Fill out the form and upload the necessary documents. These include, for example, student excursions, support measures and orientation events that are attended in person. contact a general practitioner or the public health department in your area via telephone (do not go directly into the office if you think you are affected by the corona virus, the doctor or the health department will tell you what to do): put yourself in quarantine for two weeks. November 2020, gestern und dieser Woche. Depending on the available funds and further requirements, there will be a further selection on 29-30 June 2020, so that another grant to cover living expenses can be paid out at the beginning of July 2020. I am optimistic that we will succeed in achieving this balance, since the university is a learning organisation. On the other hand, as a university of applied sciences, we need face-to-face teaching. In order to create an early connection and identification with the university, our new students will have top priority, and this will be taken into account in the plans described above.As far as the distance rules are concerned, we will follow the applicable regulations and hope that there will be further relaxations in the rules in late summer. November 2020: Das Gesundheitsamt der Landeshauptstadt hat die Vorgaben für die Tests von Magdeburger Schulklassen nach Kontakt mit Corona-Infizierten an die Strategie des Bundes angepasst. Bitte aktivieren Sie JavaScript in Ihren Browser-Einstellungen und laden Sie die Seite erneut, um die Inhalte optimiert anzeigen zu lassen. The university hospital (Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg) has also set up a hotline for suspected cases of coronavirus: 0049 (0) 391 67 17799, which is available from Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 16.00 pm. If you are waiting for an answer, please also check the e-mail inbox in your spam folder. 6,4 % weniger Gründungen größerer Betriebe von Januar bis September 2020 - Sondereffekte durch ... Online-Händler erwarten Rekordumsatz am Black Friday, Heute im Bundesrat: Länder billigen Verlängerung der Corona-Sonderregeln beim Kurzarbeitergeld, Heute um 13:00 Uhr Live aus Halle (Saale): Aktuelle Corona-Virus-Situation, CORONA-BESCHRÄNKUNGEN: Einzelhandel fürchtet massive Verluste im Weihnachtsgeschäft, WEIHNACHTSFEIERTAGE: Knappe Mehrheit der Deutschen will Kontakt zur Familie kaum einschränken, Bulgarien: Reise- und Sicherheitshinweise. There is no obligation to participate. ... the university traditionally holds the introductory days to make it easier to get started. HEFTIGE KRITIK VON AFD UND FDP: Kanzlerin Merkel fordert zur Solidarität in der Corona-Krise auf, Regierungserklärung der Kanzlerin: "Mehr denn je miteinander und füreinander einstehen", Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund: Kommunen als Krisenmanager gefordert, Neue Covid-Zahlen: 363 neue Infektionsfälle für Sachsen-Anhalt gemeldet, Protest gegen Maßnahmen in größtem Corona-Hotspot Deutschlands, Reaktionen auf Verlängerung der Corona-Maßnahmen. Kompakt Zeitung. The postponement/advancement of certain modules from/into the winter semester 2020 cannot be ruled out. Jetzt lesen. Plan A / Basic PrincipleLectures will be held face-to-face on campus by the lecturers and will also be streamed. 24. November 2020) Die außerordentliche Wirtschaftshilfe für den Monat November 2020 bietet eine weitere zentrale Unterstützung für Unternehmen, Betriebe, Selbständige, Vereine und Einrichtungen, die von den aktuellen Corona-Einschränkungen besonders betroffen sind. On the one hand, the university must not become a coronavirus hotspot. Magdeburger News | Das Nachrichtenportal | Tagesaktuelle News rund um Magdeburg - So bleiben Sie immer auf dem neusten Stand. Übersicht aller Infos, FAQs und Meldungen zur Corona-Pandemie. Not Now. Group work is currently not possible. Magdeburger News | Das Nachrichtenportal | Tagesaktuelle News rund um Magdeburg - So bleiben Sie immer auf dem neusten Stand For general technical questions about online teaching there is the new Moodle forum for students. Mein Magdeburg. MVB - … Contact PsychoSocial Student Counseling in the chat, by e-mail: orby phone: +49 (0) 391 / 67 -51 553. Magdeburg: aktuelle Nachrichten, Meldungen. Currently, the Foreigners Authority sends numerous appointments to customers who contact the authority by mail or e-mail. Create New Account. For this reason, our Study & Teaching Services departments and International Office will be recommencing their work advising students and prospective students here on campus at the usual opening times.Over and above this, whilst maintaining the relevant hygiene rules, all of the other activities on which our identity as a university of applied sciences is based will be taking place face-to-face. Wir sind Magdeburg - WSM. In urgent, unavoidable cases, please contact us by e-mail, 1-2 meters distance to coughing or sneezing persons, Maintain hand hygiene (wash hands thoroughly with soap and water), Comply with coughing label (e.g. Requests can be made via e-mail: and individual (emergency) appointments can be arranged for the Residents Registration Office in the street Leiterstraße 2a. Please note the following information: The large number of applications and inquiries received by the Aliens Department are answered promptly and usually by e-mail. Corona-Krise Magdeburg ohne Weihnachtsmarkt und Drive-in . 7 workstations). Applications can be submitted from 20 May 2020. Department of Engineering and Industrial Design, Department of Social Work, Health and Media, Department of Water, Environment, Construction and Safety, Information about online teaching on Moodle: ZDF-Politbarometer November 2020: Maßnahmen zur Fortsetzung des Teil-Shutdown finden klare ... Robert Koch-Institut / COVID-19: Neue Fallzahlen in Deutschland, Staats- und Kulturminister Robra: „Novemberhilfe jetzt beantragen!“. On this website you will find the latest news and information. Our motto for the 2020/2021 winter semester is as follows: as much face-to-face contact as possible, as much online as necessary!The health and safety of all is important to us; however - as far as possible - we want to return to normality again. Die Nachrichten des Tages: +++ 18.31 Uhr: Grundschule und Hort in Magdeburg schließen wegen Corona +++ In Magdeburg müssen eine Grundschule und ein Hort wegen mehrerer Corona-Infektionen schließen. With the start of the introduction days of the University of Magdeburg on October 19, 2020, a new hygiene concept will apply to all OVGU members. 13. In Magdeburg ist die sogenannte 7-Tage-Inzidenz auf fast 80 gestiegen. A contact point in emergencies is the central emergency department (Notaufnahme) of the hospital (Universitätsklinikum Magdeburg) in serious cases. Sieben rumänische Familien . Und doch gibt's eine Alternative. Magdeburg l Nachdem Magdeburg bis Anfang Juni keine Corona-Infektionen zu verzeichnen hatte, ist es in der Landeshauptstadt ist es zu einem erneuten Ausbruch des Virus gekommen. Applications can also be submitted in June. Die JavaScript Funktion Ihres Browsers ist momentan deaktiviert. Appointments are made for the recording of biometric data for the issuance of residence permits or other identity cards and for the issue of documents. Interview: Übersterblichkeit durch Coronavirus? We are here for our students and face-to-face meetings are important to us. The plan is for the forthcoming winter semester to commence on 01.10.2020 with hopefully more people on both the Magdeburg and Stendal campuses. Log In. 4 workstations)House 2, room 0.05 (seminar room with max. Media/News Company. The use of the rooms will be possible from May 12th between 9 and 15.30 hrs.The following rooms are available: Campus Magdeburg:House 5, room 1.13 (PC-Pool with max. We are in constant discussion with the authorities and policy makers as well as with every organisational unit in the university. Please note that a large number of patients are treated in the central emergency room, which results in long waiting times. We will exchange thoughts, conduct analyses and take stock of our experiences in the summer semester.Students and lecturers alike, all of the service departments and above all those services supporting the digitalisation of teaching have coped extremely well with the new challenges they have faced this semester. In the winter semester we will need to find a balance between protecting the health of all university members and the opportunity for all students to study. coughing, sneezing into the crook of the arm). They are paid out via the student service organisations – the Studierenden- or Studentenwerk (STW). In urgent, unavoidable cases, please contact or your administrator by telephone. City. 28 neue Corona-Fälle in Magdeburg 17.06.2020, Update: 17.06.2020, 16.49 Uhr. Study counselling / examination matters etc. Which courses (i.e. Insgesamt sieben rumänische Familien aus unterschiedlichen Stadtteilen Magdeburgs sind betroffen. Video . Eine unerlaubte Party hatte Ende Oktober dafür gesorgt, dass Magdeburg zu einem Corona Hotspot wurde. You can reach us via e-mail and phone, but we ask for your understanding that there may be restrictions in the operation of the university. In order to strengthen those important first contacts with our new students, we feel that it makes sense for us to enjoy the “digital matriculation ceremony” in groups by degree programme and in person on campus - where space allows. : with high fever or a pronounced deterioration of the general condition, a medical examination should be performed immediately. As such, we attach a great deal of value to the practical orientation of our courses. Unser Newsticker zum Thema Corona Magdeburg enthält aktuelle Nachrichten von heute Mittwoch, dem 18. Users will receive a confirmation or cancellation by e-mail. Extended opening hours of the libraries from 25 May. 44 39120 Magdeburg 0049 (0) 391 67 21202. mehr. Why studying at Magdeburg-Stendal University? A fixed division into groups for defined calendar weeks will contribute towards ensuring that the switch between face-to-face and online classes remains manageable for students. (19. For the other students, these lectures will be available online. Campus Magdeburg: Monday to Friday from 9 to 19 o´clockDue to the distance regulations, a total of 50 individual workstations are available in the library. 19. Report Börde/Magdeburg. 25.11.2020 – Kein Weihnachtsmarkt, kein "Christmas Drive In" in Magdeburg - Trümper erteilt beiden eine Absage. Please also feel free to discuss your concerns with your supervisors or the service and advisory departments of the university. "Regular operation under special conditions" will start on 20.4.2020. November … November 2020 | 18:07 Uhr . This hotline is intended for people who suffer from corona typical symptoms, not for general advice. mehr. Universitätsklinikum MagdeburgNotaufnahme Leipziger Str. The continuation of your residence permit will then be sent to you by post. All of the current regulations can be found on: International Technical Communication and Translation, Early Childhood Education and Care - Practice, Management, Research, Energy-efficient Building Construction and Reconstruction, Health Promoting Organisational Development, Courses for International Students and German Language Learners, Water, Environment, Construction and Safety, Departement of Communication and Marketing. Due to the current challenges, motivation lows, feelings of being stressed out, difficulties in relationships, exam or future fears, problems with drugs, experiences with violence or other topics can be a topic for students and employees. Heute um 18:00 Uhr Live aus Magdeburg: Anpassung der SARS-CoV-2-Eindämmungsverordnung, Neue Covid-Zahlen: 435 neue Infektionsfälle für Sachsen-Anhalt gemeldet, Unterricht an Förderschulen in Corona-Zeiten. All students of the Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal who are enrolled in the summer semester 2020, who are in a financially difficult situation and who do not receive Bafög, can apply.

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